Experiential Learning is a dynamic process. Learning takes around a lot of unfolding and relearning of several elements. It cannot be also confined to the four walls setting nor can it can be only inculcated with the words and books. Every day is a learning platform. Be it getting up from bed and brushing or teeth or brushing your teeth and going to bed all over. We have learned a certain notion of life in a similar way. Getting up, going to work/schools/college, having lunch, coming home, running for tuition/doing pending work, have dinner and sleep and again the same routine the next day. Often times, these monotonous day to day cycle of life feels overwhelming. How can you not repeat the things over and over your whole existence now and be tired? It feels tiring at times. We feel like skipping it at times as well. We start looking out for breaks whenever possible. In the same way the learning process gets less effective as well. We are so much occupied with the same routine that we not feel like anything more or at times we complain of not able to manage things. There is where we lose the entire sense of it. Learning frames out in many ways and cannot be limited; it cannot always follow the “systematic” process or the traditional directions for all. garbhanga waterfall
Leadership is a skill which is very essential in today’s world. It is a skill that cannot be taught with traditional setting or cannot be memorised and inculcated through the books. Leadership is such skills that can only get sharpen with vigorous practices and also by getting aware of it. It can be beautified and enhanced with continuous exposure to the proper environment.
Education is the vital investment. It is accessible to all these days. But does only education with books around the four walls helps in growth of an individual? Education is important and it is also crucial to provide the chance to do things in a way that respects and accommodates our unique needs and peculiarities. Traditional learning models have frequently favoured people with a superior recall, but learning encompasses much more than merely performing well on tests.
The basic structure of the education followed drastically, it is what focuses on “surface learning”. Now what exactly is surface learning? Surface learning involves basically studying for an exam which might be achieved by getting thousands of books, memorising it and sitting for the exam jotting down the things only written down in the textbook. For the world like today’s ‘’surface learning’’ isn’t something that will feed you. Memorising something and writing it down in an exam might differently get you great scores but for how long are you going to remember what you memorized? After a year or two, it is basic human tendency to lose it.
For instance, a girl or boy from school/college is always expected to be good at academics. He/she is only considered deserving or ‘’intelligent’’ when they score a 90+ in their class/semester results. But how is the 90+ helping him in life? One can easily get admission with the scores of course but being practically seen will it help it mend out the life challenges or maybe the life’s components? Experiencing it in my own life, I would like to say as much as it is important to score; a life reality is much more useful to tackle life which will only be inculcated with deeper level of learning or active learning.
Bringing in the concept of experimental learning is the need of the ultimate hour. Along with the traditional means of delivering information, it is important to put in active learning or deeper level of learning process.
Practical information/ Practical knowledge are the only way that can keep you going in the world. Active learning is something which needs to be followed up to advocate deeper learning of things. The deeper learning of things also involves a lot of unlearning as well. It usually takes in a number of different methods, from reading and experimenting to role-playing and discussing. It helps the individuals to completely understand what they are learning by making it real and happen in real life scenario. It is a much more fruitful rather than just memorizing the theories.

The concept of experiential learning holds that learning is a natural by product of experience and that experiences are created by our continual participation and interactions with the world around us. Because it adopts a more comprehensive approach, this learning theory differs from cognitive and behavioral learning theories. It takes into account how our experiences—along with our feelings, thoughts, and environment—affect how we learn.
According to the experiential learning hypothesis, deep learning is preferable to surface learning. Although the terms “experiential learning” and “experiential education” are sometimes used interchangeably, experiential learning takes into account each student’s unique learning process. As a result, when compared to experiential education, experiential learning is more focused on challenges that are specific to the learner and the context of the learning.
Experiential learning which is more specifically described as “learning via reflection on doing,” is the process of learning through experience. Experiential learning can be achieved through hands-on learning, however, this type of learning is not always accompanied by student reflection on the final result. Experiential learning is different from rote or didactic learning when the student takes a more passive role. It has similarities but is not the same as, other active learning strategies such as action learning, adventure learning, free-choice learning, cooperative learning, service learning, and situational learning.
Experiential learning involves a hands-on method of teaching that moves away from the teacher lecturing and transmitting knowledge to the pupils. It aims to introduce a more active style of learning and makes learning an experience that goes beyond the classroom.
In order to expand learner knowledge and develop competency in skills and behaviours, experiential learning focuses on producing experiences that have a practical application of knowledge and skills to real-world encounters.
It is useful for educational learning, individual growth, and skill development in schools, colleges, therapy, corporate training, and other settings
Opportunities for experiential learning come in both course- and non-course-based formats and might include concluding activities like internships, student teaching, capstone projects, undergraduate research, and service learning, to mention a few.
- Improved comprehension of the course material.
- A more expansive perspective of the world and a sense of community Understanding of one’s own abilities, interests, passions, and values.
- Possibilities to work with various organisations and persons.
- Positive business habits and competencies.
- The satisfaction of satisfying needs in the community.
- Positivity and leadership abilities.
- Fuses in-depth reflection with personal experience.
- Builds on prior understanding and experience.
- Requires active participation in the creation of meaning.
- Encourages interaction, communication, and the sharing of opinions.
- Depending on the course, it could be in-class, community- or work-focused.
- Experiencing. As a result, you thrive on collaboration and emotional connection with people since you derive meaning from experience and relationships.
- Imagining. You tend to operate with an empathic and creative perspective, and you learn best by observing and reflecting on events.
- Reflecting. You are cautious and patient, choosing to watch others and acquire many viewpoints and data before taking any action.
- Analysing. You enjoy organising your thoughts and applying critical thinking to your past experiences before making plans to limit errors and test hypotheses.
- Thinking. You typically use logic and reasoning to support your arguments, and you appreciate using quantitative methods to reach conclusions and convey your thoughts.
- Deciding. You’re skilled at making decisions and prefer to establish specific objectives that you can immediately work towards while planning and analysing your progress as you go.
- Acting. You are committed and assertive in order to achieve your goals when working under a time crunch.
- Initiating. You are impulsive and enjoy making decisions on the spot, taking chances, and looking for new opportunities.
- Balancing. You analyse the advantages and disadvantages of any circumstance, spot gaps, overcome interpersonal differences, and support your team’s ability to adjust fast.

Hundreds of research have been conducted on this topic, and the accumulating data strongly suggests that exposure to nature improves academic performance, personal growth, and environmental stewardship. The most recent developments and the current state of our understanding are summed up in this succinct integrated review.
Despite not being quantitative, the study on environmental stewardship and human growth is intriguing. Independent observers and participants themselves have reported on numerous occasions that there have been changes in perseverance, problem-solving skills, critical thinking, leadership, teamwork, and resilience. Similar to this, more than fifty studies show that nature, particularly via establishing an emotional connection to nature, plays a critical role in the development of pro-environmental behaviour. Nature-based instruction performs better in academic settings than conventional instruction.
The evidence here is particularly strong, including experimental evidence; evidence across a wide range of samples and instructional approaches; outcomes such as standardized test scores and graduation rates; and evidence for specific explanatory mechanisms and active ingredients. Nature may promote learning by improving learners’ attention, levels of stress, self-discipline, interest and enjoyment in learning, and physical activity and fitness.
Nature also appears to provide a calmer, quieter, safer context for learning; a warmer, more cooperative context for learning; and a combination of “loose parts” and autonomy that fosters developmentally beneficial forms of play. It is time to take nature seriously as a resource for learning – particularly for students not effectively reached by traditional instruction.